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Training & Follow Up

Training, Background & Purpose

In the past decade and a half, a range of evidence-based practices (EBPs) have been deployed to help at-risk individuals avoid HIV infection and transmission (CDC, 2009).  These include behavioral HIV prevention interventions (e.g., Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions—DEBIs), post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), treatment-as-prevention (TAP), and risk reduction. Many social service agencies report a lack of resources and training infrastructure that allow them to provide the full range of EBPs for their consumers. The overall purpose of Project ICI trainings is to bring providers together to learn about and practice the skills required for interagency and transdisciplinary collaboration. Project ICI aims to encourage service providers to collaborate in order to link service consumers to HIV prevention EBPs, including behavioral HIV prevention interventions, HIV testing and primary medical care.

Upcoming Trainings

Project ICI is no longer holding live, full-day trainings. However, facilitated video training sessions can be arranged on-site at agencies or may be arranged for agency groups at the Columbia University School of Social Work. For more information, please contact Prema L. Filippone, Project ICI Director, at 212-851-2403, or plf2107@columbia.edu Please note that these trainings are currently only for participants in Project ICI.

Training Topics

  • Collaborating to Facilitate Consumer Access to HIV Prevention EBP –Participants will learn a four-step model and identify the facilitators and challenges to creating and sustaining interagency and transdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Making a Plan for Collaboration – Participants will learn about tools available that can help facilitate client access to HIV prevention EBPs. An overview of the Project ICI website will offer insight into how providers can quickly and effectively connect service consumers with resources.  Participants will receive support in building a community of providers to facilitate the implementation of interagency and transdisciplinary collaboration.


During the training, we provide an overview of tools that can help you to collaborate across agencies and across disciplines. Please click below to download an information sheet on HIV prevention interventions with useful links and resources.

Follow Up

Following your ICI training, Project ICI staff will be ready to answer any questions that you have.
