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Register NOW! ACRIA HIV & Aging Webinars start January 22!

SCHEDULE (All Webinars take place from 1PM – 3PM.)
January 22nd & March 12th – Health Promotion for Older Adults living with HIV
This two-hour webinar will provide an overview of how HIV  progresses and affects the overall health of older adults. This  information will then be related to how service providers can play  a role in promoting and helping older adults living with HIV stay  linked to care and maintain viral load suppression.
February 5th & March 5th – Resiliency of Older Adults living with HIV
This two hour webinar will provide an overview of the different  types of resiliency qualities and how their associations with  positive healthy behaviors impact the health of older adults living  with HIV.
February 19th & March 19th – Sexual Health of Older Adults and HIV
This two-hour webinar is designed to provide a comprehensive  overview of sexual activity among older adults and the need for  effective and tailored HIV/STI prevention messages to help improve  sexual health. Data on the sexual activity and function of older  adults will be provided from a number of sources, including ACRIA’s  research with older adults.
February 28th & March 28th – Working with Older Adults Living with HIV Released from  Correctional Settings
This two-hour webinar will increase the non clinical provider’s  awareness about the challenges that older adults living with  HIV/AIDS face after being released from a correctional facility.  These challenges include the overlapping issues of family  reunification, mental health, substance use, and need for HIV care.

To Register: 1. Visit the AI Online Registration System at:  http://www.hivtrainingny.org/  and ‘Log In’ to your account; 2. Scroll down and look for the Course Title listed above and Click  ‘Select’; 3. Click ‘Submit’ and you will receive an email confirming your  registration along with the webinar link. If you do not have an account, follow the link above, Click  ‘Register’ and follow steps 2 & 3. For help with registration contact: Elizabeth Dominguez at edominguez@acria.org or 212-924-3934 x134. If you are having problems with your account/password contact:
HIVET@health.state.ny.us or call 518-474-3045

Follow HIV and Aging information with ACRIA: https://www.facebook.com/AgeIsNotACondomACRIAwww.ageisnotacondom.org

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